In remembrance of my first love.
Your LTS came finally to an end. You retired on 31st December 2021. You will always have a special place in my heart.
You arrived with great anticipation,
Put the web dev world upside down;
Model, View and Controller were in separation,
Even Javascript beginners didn’t frown.Be it JavaScript, CoffeeScript or SCSS,
You handled them all in a snap;
Grunt helped you to transpile and compress,
The only thing needed was anng-app
.You were patient with faulty code,
Throwing errors with the where and why;
Did selectors return a wrong DOM node?
Did watchers kill the CPU workload?
Did a variable on$scope
get overshadowed?
Maybe the external callback needs an$apply
lacks used params to minify!
Maybe avoid$rootScope
for all events passing by!You were either praised or attacked,
Yet, you advanced and left doubters behind;
Daily flame wars you fought against react,
Until the daywindow.angular
Simon Wicki is a Freelance Developer in Berlin. Worked on Web and Mobile apps at JustWatch. Fluent in Vue, Angular, React and Ionic. Passionate about Frontend, tech, web perf & non-fiction books.